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Thanksgiving FUN! This resource provides 4 activities to learn about Thanksgiving in an interactive and exciting way that is great for the holiday season!


In this activity, students will learn about:

a) Thanksgiving traditions around the world (Malaysia, China, Israel, India)

b) the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (video challenge)

c) Why turkey??


As students read the informational texts and watch a video, they will have to solve puzzles and answer questions based on the information they learn. This activity includes 2 readings and 1 video.


Questions in the challenges include:

-true and false

-multiple choice

-fill in the blank

-context clues




You can use this activity as an ongoing lesson for a few days or challenge your students to "breakout" in one day!



-NOTE: students will require use of the internet to watch the video

-students use the information in the readings or videos to complete the challenges

-once they solve each puzzle, they are given letter clues (either digitally on the Google Form or on paper by the teacher)

-these letter clues must be unscrambled to solve a Thanksgiving-themed riddle/joke given at the end of the breakout!


PRINT (color and printer friendly!) and DIGITAL versions are included!

Answer key included!

This is a great team-building activity for your students!

This digital escape room can be used with computers, chrome books, OR iPads.

You can share the escape room link via Google Classroom or student email.




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Thanksgiving Informational Readings | ELA Breakout

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